Seal Coating 2024

Tentatively scheduled to begin June 11th and potentially stretching into June 12th depending on the weather, several Borough roads will be getting seal coated (tar and chipped). This date is subject to change according to the Suit-Kote’s, the vendor, schedule as they complete work for other neighboring municipalities.

The streets to be seal coated include:

  • Union Ave. from Buffalo Rd. to Euclid Blvd.,
  • Woodlawn Ave. from Bird Dr. to Station Rd., and
  • Willow St. From Woodlawn Ave. to Fremont St.

On May 30th and 31st, NO PARKING on either side of the above mentioned roads. The crews potentially start early, as early as 5am or 6am, so please have your car moved at least by that time in the morning.

After the pavement preservation treatment is applied, vehicles can drive on the road within only a couple minutes.

Why these roads?

These roads were selected based on the recommendations of Engineer Corey, considering their conditions. To be eligible for seal coat preservation treatment, a road cannot be concrete or too badly damaged.

These roads were chosen because they had pavement in generally good condition that was beginning to show surface cracking. By seal coating them now, we can lock in the top layer and help extend the life of these roads. Extending the life of these roads will leave more funding available for the Borough roads that are in dire need of more extensive and expensive repairs.

Bidding Information

At the April 10th, 2024 Council Meeting, the Borough Council unanimously approved of a motion to accept the bid with Suit-Kote for the “2024 Asphalt Seal Coat Project” at a price of $1.809/SY for a quantity of 18,024 Square Yards for a total cost of $32,605.42. And, they authorized Manager Jacobs to be the Borough representative entering into a contract with them.


This was a joint bid put out for seal coat services with a total of 20 municipalities, including Wesleyville. This joint arrangement has occurred for at least the last 10 years, several years of which the Borough has participated. By joining forces with other municipalities, the Borough is able to benefit from better prices for larger quantities.