
Photo by Alexas Fotos:
The Borough Council is in the midst of considering the passage of an ordinance that would allow for the keeping of chickens within the Borough.
Currently, the keeping of chickens is prohibited in the Borough according to the code Chapter 2, Part 4 – Wild, Exotic, and Farm Animals. Click here to view:
The proposed ordinance, Ordinance 2024-008, was brought forward by Councilmembers Kolesar and Wilder at the May 8th Council Meeting. View the original draft ordinance here: Ordinance_2024-008_Chickens_FirstDraft
Planning Commission-member Eric Stanton worked tirelessly on researching other municipalities’ chicken ordinances and then meticulously provided recommended edits to the proposed ordinance.
View the Draft V2 ordinance here: Ordinance_2024-008_Chickens_revised (1)
The motion to advertise the ordinance, as is required before it could be voted on to be adopted, was brought forward by Councilmembers Kolesar & Wilder at the May 22nd Work Session Meeting. This motion ultimately passed with a 4-2 vote. Therefore, the ordinance was advertised in a paper of public circulation for 10 days and then at the June 12th Council Meeting there will be a motion on the table to adopt Ordinance 2024-008.
All are invited to attend the meeting on June 12th and inviting to provide up to 5 minutes of public comment on this ordinance during the public comment period at the beginning of the meeting.