The weekly garbage collection in the Borough is handled by the Borough’s own public works department.
They collect weekly with two routes, a Monday and a Tuesday, reaching each household in the Borough, approximately 1,500, and picking up approximately 24 tons of trash every week.
The quarterly rate per household is currently set at $62, and billing is handled by Erie Water Works included along with the household’s water bill.
Rules and Regulations
The Borough will ACCEPT:
The Borough will NOT ACCEPT:
Hazardous waste– batteries, mercury-containing items, ammunition, medical waste, or radioactive material.
E waste – anything electronic the Borough cannot accept because we cannot dispose of it anywhere. The County hosts some Household Hazardous Waste drop off sites annually through the county, learn more here *****.
Hazardous Items – paint, chemicals, pesticides, motor oil, antifreeze, flammable liquids.
Construction Materials – This includes, but is not limited to: roofing material, shingles, tar paper; windows, siding, flooring materials, tiles, carpeting; doors, lumber, heating/cooling equipment, plumbing materials, drywall.
Required to use bags, loose trash is more likely to scatter in the wind and cause the Public Works drew grief.
Maggot infested trash is unpleasant, try to control it as best as you can for the sake of the Public Works Crew.
Paint addresses on cans
How to help the crew:
- Having the cans as near to the street as possible.
- Having a tipper toter. A garbage bin that has a metal bar on it that allows it to be picked up by the lift on the back of the truck.
- Orient the can so that that wheels are facing the road. Its a small gesture but it saves a few seconds.
Garbage Can – Transitioning to tippable cans.
Large items can be collected for an additional fee. Learn more at