Zoning Office

The Borough Zoning Ordinances are the minimum requirements, adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare.

The number one objective of the Zoning Office is to support and encourage order and beauty in the development of the Borough of Wesleyville’s environment for the convenience and pleasure of present citizens and future residents through sound land development practices and the provision of adequate public utilities and facilities.

When do you need a permit?

It shall be unlawful to erect, enlarge, construct, reconstruct or structurally alter any building and/or other structure or change the use or intensity of use, or extend or displace the use of any building, other structure and/or land in the Borough without first filing an application with the Zoning Officer, in writing, and obtaining the required permit.

When in doubt, contact the Zoning Officer.

Donny McKee

Ph: (814) 899-9124 ex 26 | C: (814) 413-5057

Email: Zoning@wesleyville.gov

Office Hours – 1-3pm Wednesday and Friday – Borough Office

The permit fee is currently set at $35 with a 4% credit card processing fee.

Paper Application

Stop by the Borough Office for a copy, or download PDF below, and pay at the window.

Application Form

Online Application

Pay Online Image

Send the completed PDF application to admin@wesleyville.gov and pay via the button below.

Pay Fee Online

Full Ordinance

Review the full Zoning Ordinance – Chapter 27 of the Borough’s Codified Ordinances available online.

eCode360 – eBook